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Persons with Disability to create and grow their unique farms

No to SGBV

Women should farm to unite against Sexual and Gender-based Violence.

Inclusive Farming

No one should be left behind. Let us celebrate disability by encouraging women in farming

Circularity in Farming

As we farm, we put the environment first. Circularity is therefore at the center of all our farming activities.

Disability Pride Farms Design

Enjoy the beauty of seeing people with disability especially women in disability in farming. AmVee Disability Pride Farms is here to encourage all women especially women with disability to engage in farming.


Disability pride is in itself a brand for women with disability in farming. They see us as not useful in society but there is indeed ability in disability. Let us show some love by using agriculture to feed our people.

We are driven by values


Featured Work

“What is the point of being alive if you don’t at least try to do something remarkable? Join the movement. Support AmVee Disability Pride Farms today.”


“Spread the Word: Share Fudia’s story and the mission of AmVee Disability Pride Farms with your network. Together, we can amplify her message of empowerment and solidarity.”


“Raising Awareness about SGBV: As a survivor of SGBV herself, Fudia is committed to using her platform to raise awareness, educate, and advocate for the eradication of SGBV, both locally and globally.”


Let’s work together on your
next farm project

Every seed planted at AmVee Disability Pride Farms represents hope, resilience, and the limitless potential of every individual, regardless of their abilities. Join us in cultivating a future where everyone is valued and empowered to thrive.